We are both very excited to begin the trip and wish we could go without packing. It's the night before and we are busy finalizing all the last minute details. As you can see by the picture, there are some space limitations after the first packing revision that need to be overcome before we are able to begin the journey.

Since we will be traveling with 4 adults in one mid-size car there is no room for extra luggage and therefore some tough decisions must be made. Of course Lora is eyeing the free space in my suitcase right now so those decisions may be already made and I am yet to be informed. (As Lora just mentioned, "I didn't know those loading straps in the bag even worked")
Our flight leaves at 6:30am from San Jose and we connect through Minneapolis, MN. We arrive at 7:20am Paris time on the 18
th. Hopefully we'll get some sleep on the plane as we'll need to have a productive day without napping to help adjust and eliminate the
jet lag.
Given that it is 10:00pm and we are not done packing and will need to be at the airport by 5:30am....sleeping on the plane doesn't sound too hard right now :-)
I'll be thinking of you all! I wish we could join you, but until the kids are able to handle a NANA planned European vacation, we plan on just watching your trip through the blog. I'm expecting LOTS of photos, ok?
Lots of love and safe travels to all!
The Sebring's
Wow, sis! Not too impressed with your packing skills...
Just for the record... I consolidated 3 times after this pic was taken and my luggage was only 4 lbs heavier than Kevin's. But yes, I did pack too many clothes and from the looks of things I will not be wearing any of the short sleeve tops as it is chilly here. Well, 65-70 which is CHILLY for me! But Paris is very cute! More to come...
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