We went to a wine shop in Beaune that provides a good overview off all the Cote de Beaune region Burdundy wines. They let you walk down into the caves and taste 15 different wines with each wine representative of a different wine region. It was a fun experience especially at the end of the tasting.

After finishing the tasting you can sit down and talk with a salesman and taste other wines that are representative of the wines you enjoyed along the tasting. So, Mom and I, sat down and started talking with the salesman. We learned that if you ship wine to the US you can remove the French taxes of 19%...which almost covers the shipping cost. The salesman pulled out some more wines that "Shockingly" were more expensive than the ones tasting down in the cave. WE found wines that we really liked and were wililng to buy and ship. He then told us that the minimum amount to ship was a case. So we discussed it and decided we'd split a case. We started tasting more...and discussing more and then the salesman disclosed that we could only have at most 3 different wines in the shipment.

This put a wrench into the plans. However...George and Marty stepped up to the plate and took one for the team when it was determined that Kevin and Lora only enjoyed one wine. That meant they would purchase 9 wines and we'd purchase 3. The only way this deal worked was that we'd tasted....Drank....15 different wines before we sat down.

George had already decided he was done tasting and had paid 10 Euros and was going to get his value!

In the end everyone walked out happy excpet the salesman who could not take his break and smoke the well deserved cigarette.
Lora looks drunk.
Classic photos! LOL :)
Lora discovered she really loves Creme de Cassis and wants to put it on strawberries and ice cream. btw...Happy Birthday John.
Impressive. Even adjusted for PT. Thanks!
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