October 12, 2008


We've been home a few days and I've spent the last few days sorting through pictures and learning the new slideshow software. I've published the first set of pictures from Paris and will need to work on the rest of the trip later this week.

Thought I'd share with everyone the Paris slideshow. Haven't tried this before but you might be asked to install something in order to view the show.


(Note: There are some problems when trying to connect to the slideshow within a firewall.)

If you are unable to view the slideshow you can try a couple of things:
1) Use the Mozilla Firefox browser instead of Internet Explorer


2) Download and install the presenter plug-in http://www.photodex.com/downloads/go_presenter.html


John said...


Kevin and Lora said...

Hmm, I thought there might be a problem with that. Should work following the suggestions.

Kevin and Lora said...

Problem is still being looked into...

Kevin and Lora said...


John said...

Firefox running: Check
Plug-in installed: Check
Long load time: Check
Browser crashed: Check

Maybe it's a firewall problem, I'll try again from home.

Kevin and Lora said...

Yes...It's a firewall issue. I was unable to view from my laptop unless I disconnected from the VPN.

geomarty said...

You've put the pressure on your Dad to create a music/DVD of our photos to equal what you have done. Great job.